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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Gaunshaha day 1

Well we have found our way to a small hill village of Gaunshahar, which looks down on Besisahar some 700 m in vertical drop below, the start of the famous Annapurna trekking circuit.
Its hard to describe the view in the morning as the sun rises and the clouds are gone. We look at large rock and is faces of near 8000 M peaks, Annapurna II and Manaslu.
We have arrived mid festival, every 2nd person is drunk and very happy.
The kids playing on their home made swings. My favorite a wooden ferris wheel completely made without a single screw or nail.
Luke and I climbed on, everything wiggled and moved. It worked a treat and is on my list of things to make back home.
I am still in mild culture shock. The people of Nepal have so little to work with, near zero infrastructure from the government, and no Jobs for personal income. And for now I haven't scene much in self sustainability as an answer to the future.
We have come from the fruit bowl of Asia, Thailand where everything grows in abundance to Gaunshaha, where they cannot even grow enough rice within the village to feed the village. Even with our large western wallets in comparison we cannot just buy food. Its scarce.
So the family set off to the big city below to see what we could get to supplement our 1 egg for breakfast and rice and Dahl for lunch and dinner. 3 hrs down constantly been stopped the the continuous train of village people doing the same journey for smokes, bananas and local newspaper.
The plan was to get the pink 4x4 bus back up.
Rissa went off to get some fruit while I hung out with Luke and Tara.
The pink bus arrived for its once a day trip into the hills. No Rissa appeared.
I started to panic, calling out for her with Tara's hand firmly in mine with Luke on my hip. Should I try and squeeze on anyway and she can walk up on her own? my head trying to figure the best decision. I called again RISSA!
She appears wondering why I'm looking concerned.
We look at the bus calmly and it was fuller than a science experiment by seeing how many large and small stones can be packed into a vessel and we decide to spent the bus fare on a large lunch and the meander back home up and up. We had all afternoon.
After tying many box's to the roof about 10 climbed on the roof for there was no room inside it sparked up and trundled down the road for the hour long climb. I watched it go thinking I hope we made the right decision.
I'd had 6 days of the shits and didn't feel that strong.
The climb is comparable to North Egmont to Tahurangi Lodge and Tara walked the entire way.  Time up was 2 hrs and quicker than coming down.
Many children do this walk everyday to go to school.

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