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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Scoraig Trip to Achmore to see John


Luke vs Peecock

New extension


Trip home
The trip home is a long one as Achmore is on the other side of the peninsula. Daddy Boyd had the inspired idea of giving the kids chalk to make a trail to find our way home.

Overenthusiastic bread dough.

BBQ at William! and Cathy's and Bothy inspirations


Finally using every single piece of cold and wet weather gear collected over the entire trip!

Bothy inspiration

Stairs up to be d room

Scoraig. Trip to William and Cathy's in Barrow

Scoraig buggy

Lukey was concerned that the owner would come and say "get off Lukey!" I explained that the owner had died and so wouldn't mind which sparked off a lengthly conversation about what dead people do and do not mind

Drinking water spring

No photos please

House William is working on

Does the dead lamb mind that there is water in the Tyre? 

Tired boy

Scoraig - Arrival and Settling into Nirvana Hotel

 flash new ferry boat

David ferrying us accross

Jetty in the sunshine

Martha taxiing us to Nirvana Hotel

Jonah and Rhona's turkeys

Scrap heap with retired quad

Snake anyone?

Martha and Luke working on the bantums

Beer on the deck


Examining dead owl

Testing New zip wire

Tara makes porridge

Outdoor washing facilities ( future house inspiration)

Tara and Luke grooving on Rhys's coffee table.