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Friday, April 11, 2014

The Baby is out

Well the start of our travels and the blog is here. This week I resigned and was made public the plans we have,  therefore our dreams can become reality.
Where to go is actually a touch one with many options. 
How we approached this was to create a "google map" of places places of interest we like with the hope that we visually join the dots, if  a place was not that good we would move on to another option of miss one out. 
We will update this map with our progress as we go and put comments for others to learn from. 

The most valuable thing we have found is finding other people writing about what they actually did and what was really good so with a bit of luck other people may earn from us. Life is an experiment after all!

If you have any suggestions please let us know. We support the idea of crowd sourcing to let us have it! 

We are a family of 4, Clarissa (Mum) Boyd (Dad) Luke (2 year old) and Tara (5 year old)
Our interests are Steiner Schools, Permaculture, Organic farming, earth building . Our qualifications are in IT and Veterinary medicine. what we are looking for is an opportunity to live in a community volunteering for aprox 1 month in each place. The options I have explored so far have been along the lines of Wwoofing and some permaculture community's in India, Nepal and Thailand.
We love adventure of the outdoor nature, living simply, eating home grown organic food. 
Clarissa past time is a veterinarian and myself Boyd work in the Information Technology area. 

Photo's of the family coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!