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Thursday, January 15, 2015


Auroville, The Utopian city. Built to accommodate 50, 000 inhabitants, currently accommodating 2500 Aurovillians.

It has a library, a Town hall, a financial department running its own bank, its own intranet, a Kitchen that feeds up to 1500 people each day ( with solar powered cookers.). It even has a 15m diameter golden orb at its epicentre  purely for  Meditation.
Outside Town Hall Financial department


        The Solar Kitchen cooks for up to 1500 for lunch using produce from the Aurovilian farms and  cooking, using for the most part, sunlight.

On  a personal note,  coming recently from  a land of Dahl baht and MSG with Noodles. It has very very lovely food. Organic food. Fresh bread with a crust that can withstand squeezing. Pizza made by Italians! Drinking water available in the guest house and  actual Recycling. Actual reusable refundable and returnable egg cartons purchased from the store for 30 rupees that are ( importantly - this is still India) rat proof . !!

Auroville has a network of cyclepaths  and small roads that connect the major institutions to the many small communities that house 4-10ish families and the paths are completely litter free. In fact they are SWEPT daily. There are Auroville guards  at various posts throughout the city reminding one to lock ones bike, or to leave ones bike at the gate or to remove ones 3 year old from the top of an exhibit.

There  is even a play park ( this is completely unheard of in the rest of India), full  of little Aurovillians of all different shades. And whit-ish middle class-ish mothers  chatting  in European around the the children play before whisking them home 2 or 3 or 5 to a motorbike to immaculate, exclusive homes of earth bricks and European architecture embedded in ponds to discourage creepy crawlies that have  fish to eat the mosquitoes

We have heard so much about Auroville, from friends, from fellow travellers and one of the comments I didn't understand at first, but I do now was
" You have to poke around in the hedges to find anything of interest"

There is a beautiful visitor centre filled with information but , in  contrast to the rest of India there is nothing flung in your face, at all. So to find the Earth Building Institute we cycled for an hour poking around suburbs and Stumbling through peoples houses  before finding a tiny sign and then spent a happy half hour playing in ponds fed by exquisite water vortexes in 2 metre perspex towers  that turned out to be experimental sewage treatment ponds ,  before finding an information section within the complex.
Demonstration vortex similar to the ones we found feeding into a sewerage treatment plant. 

Its sooo, reserved, soo clean, soo ..,......EUROPEAN.  True I am looking for insights of India and this is NOT India. And true I am fascinated by the workings of a community that has governing independence from India's Government, that has created incredible infrastructure and  has industries recognised by UNESCO.

But the suburban housewife in me says " BOREING!!!!!!"

Images from our home for a week in Joy community guest house. The kids both said" Mummy ! This is Thailand !! Pun Pun !! "

Lukey just wanted to " kick that big ball!!"
Eating space at the Solar Kitchen

Visitor centre complex

Exhibit at the art gallery

Solitude organic farm. Sweet Potatoes ground cover under productive papaya and coconut trees and.....

Rice intercropped with Bananas
Moments of India: Kolam decorations on shop doorstep made with powerdered chalk

Boyd riding through cows on the highway

Glimpse of milking time

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

I just like to ride my bike fast.

Many people have tried to describe Auroville,  the experimental city started in the 60s. But nothing I read actually have me a picture or image on my head of what it would be like. 

Even now after 1 short week I cannot getme head aaround it. Super ficialy its like a pleasant Switzerland in the middle of chaotic India.  With western everything on spiritual steroids. 
Under the the hood its a little different.  This place attracts the essentric and spiritual enlightened or the searching of ? type of person. its build on odeals npt conforming structure.  
its a melting pot of ideas,  intellectual property from architecture,  building things with earth, permaculture,  every therapy you could imagine (including voice therapy? ) to idealism of society. some aspects world authority! 

Today I attended a workshop on restorative circles a concept I am familiar with through my father.
What I discovered was a group struggling to practice and understand the journey.  I was disappointed to hear the reality that they do not use these tools within thier city. They were excited to here how advanced New Zealand was using this method.  

So after in depth discussion with Rissa about this and community leadership I decided I just like to ride my bike fast. 
Through the dusty streets tail gating motorbikes with elderly hippies.  
I like the speed and luke on my back yelling  go daddy!  

Monday, January 12, 2015

Precious times in Goa with Family

Images from Ribandar, the part of Goa where we were staying.

Goa is Catholic and we arrived just after Christmas. Everywhere we went there were small nativity scenes set up with the figures set up in  real soil and grass ,just like the Fairy Grotto Tara made before we left NZ. We found this one in Charlene's old  School.

Charlene, Elise and Adele and Lukey

The whole family on a bus !!

Granny and the girls admiring flower necklaces

Lukey enjoying Charlene's shoes

Sunset Wedding. Leo and Charlene

Goan weddings involve Lots of dancing !!!
Honeymooning on the beach in Mandrem.

 Living next to Grandparents in beach huts.....:-)
Helping pull up the fishing boats.