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Sunday, December 21, 2014

East vs West

Developing country.  The name suggests that a potential has not been reached, that a country "could try harder". The school report no nation wants to receive. It also suggests that the country has the potential to " be like the West " as if this is the ultimate state.
In biology, creatures evolve to perfectly adapt to the environment that they are surrounded by. There is a misconception that Monkeys are further down the evolutionary tree than Humans and that bacteria are an archeic biological state. In fact all three have evolved perfectly to different environmental conditions over the same amount of time. All three are at the tips of their respective evolutionary branches.
So I am lying in bed thinking of another label rather than "3rd world" or "developing". What I value in Nepali culture is the strong social fabric combining  the extended family with a strong respect for elders and a great community orientated work ethic. There is no such thing a going to work by your self Nepal.  Whether going to the jungle to cut firewood or grass for the cow to building a house . It is all done with a neighbours or 49 neighbours in the case of a building, and children and aunties and brothers all looking on. Food is scarce, that is true of a self sufficient diet and the children supplement their daily Dahl baht with tiny sour berries and chestnuts that they forage  from the forest. They spend hours climbing trees and working together to gather up the precious treats. And always share. Always whether on the path or in the family or on the bus . All food from nuts to crisps are shared with everyone around. 

Sustainability, a buzzword from home is seen in action every day , not just in sourcing food. For example in the villiage the buildings are made by hand from materials within a 1 hour radius. Wood from the forest, stones from the quarry for building and a flaky  stone  for the tiles on the roof. And the plaster? A slurry of buffalo dung and clay makes a beautiful and  insulative render to the inside and outside walls and floors.
But what of health care, what about retirement funds and care of the poor.  In Maslow's hierarchy of needs security of  "food" and "safety "requirements  are right at the bottom and  basic requirements for a peaceful human.  And yes people go hungry here, but neighbours are supported. There are no retirement homes but fathers and mothers are looked after in the he home and valued as a wealth of knowledge. Hospitals are basic and mumps measles, and tuberculosis replace diabetes ,obesity, heart disease and cancer on the patients board - not better, not worse, just different.

Where Nepal adopts western characteristics, emerges an ugly cachophany. Litter from 5 rupee kitkats that block the drain and  the cheap chocolate turn children's teath black. Bulldozers carve a path that undermines the banks and create landslides  Concrete building's with fancy facades sprout up over the landscape their grey backide s obliterating their neighbour views.  Bovine Sacred incarnations of the goddess Sita scarred from collisions with traffic or prostrate and groaning, their four stomachs blocked by the ubiquitous plastic. The small gem of western adoption is the pharmacy stocked with antibiotics and lotions and a trained pharmacist all available for less than 50c : so affordable to the average Nepali


West vs East
Industrial vs Rural
Exploitative vs Sustainable
Individual centric vs Social Centric
New Zealand vs Nepal
Not worse, not better , just different
As a wise man once said
" There are no problems,  only people."


  1. Increased 'development' is about increasing wealth. More wealth would provide more food (avoid hunger) more health intervention (reduce sickness), and time to make decorative earings or sing and dance for pleasure. The West (wealthy) countries want the developing (poorer) countries to increase their wealth. Sadly, it occurs to me that the west gained it's wealth by exploiting the poor countries through history. (Invade the country and steal all the gold or spices...or even enslave the people for free labour (having already exploited their own peasants). Alternatively, arrange the ratio of people to resources so there is plenty to go around (eg. a small village with enough surroundings to endlessly supply enough food and building materials).

  2. Absolutely Tony !!!
    These are examples, ( the well stocked phamacy is one) where "Development" has improved peoples lives. But there are many ,many,many more examples where it has been of detriment to peple and their families. For example, most young husbands and fathers spent between 8 and 18 years working away from home in the service industries in Quatar/ Dubai/ Europe with as little as 4 moths off every 3 years in order to maintain their life style.

    "Development " suggests " improvement" and it also seeds a dissatisfaction that is a prerequisite to fueling a consumers appitite for goods. I wanted to find another term to replace "developing countries" because I suspected that development of these countries does more to fuel the economies of weathier states than benefit the residents as the name suggests.
