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Monday, August 18, 2014

Changmai to Earth home Thailand

But. Our train was delayed by 5 hours. The truck to take us to our home stay left at 12 and we arrived at 2pm. Thankfully Boyd had a friend Andrew Crighton who was staying in Changmai and sorted us out with accommodation and a Swimming pool !!!! We were so ready for that swimming pool. Luke had exploded into several tantrums and  Tara was sooo hot  and grumpy . Neither child would let us out of their sight. The swimming pool dissolved all the tears. It was lovely :-)

The next morning Andrew took us to a shop that sold croissants :-) and a Wat that had  a huge pool of HUGE cat fish that we happily fed fish food and watched fascinated as the boiling mass of massive fish slithered over each other to get the food detecting it with their sensitive whiskers.

Then another dash to a random ally in the bulk sales part of town with a random truck that said 'Pun Pun " only on the very inside of the truck. We crawled trough the ally ways loading  with 25kg sacks of rice and sugar and chilli's and orange drinks and then with the back of the truck  still open  we took off down the duel carriageway, the back of the truck still open...( there was no door).

After 2 and a half hours... I think the distance was 50 km but  we made a lot of stops to drop off produce....... We arrived.

When we put our bags in our room Tara said " Daddy are we fairies??" "This is like fairyland". Sure enough the property is beautiful. Adobe houses with water features made from sun and rain weathered logs, beautiful gardens ... It is a very special spot.  It is called Earth Home Thailand.

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