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Saturday, March 21, 2015


The sky went dark and we had enough cloud to just look at it and still be able to see it.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Mother England

Well our planning resulted in a very easy trip to Heathrow.
To make sure the Taxi driver in Bangalore would be on time 4.30 am at our hotel... he slept outside our room in the car. Simple. Who needs an alarm clock.
The flight of 11 hours felt short after  our bus rides and completely luxurious.
Food and drink flowed slowly continuously. what extra chocolate cake! Yes please!.  Rissa was informed that it is company policy for infants to wear trousers  and please put some on Luke after doing naked flips  up front with his Dad in everyone's view for the last 10 minutes. So no more Lukey no pants :-(
Luke love the reaction when you pressed the toilet attendant light and the noise of the loo flushing.
Although he was center of attention for the staff during most of the trip they offered him to meet the captain who didn't know what to say for a moment so suggested a visit to the cockpit into the pilots seat.
My memory of Heathrow was old drab airport with que's the length of the country but terminal 5 was new, empty, efficient and no queue at customs if you claimed to be a British subject of which I did with my New Zealand passport in hand. As I looked at the few hundred people in the non UK citizen line who were waiting to be interrogated I thought they don't like foreigners much.
The man informed me sternly I could not work here but was free to stay.
Over the last few days we have just eaten lovely food interrupted only by another cup of English tea. I must have consumed a few gallons by now. The things I notice the most is how spotless and clean everything is even Sainsbury supermarket floor. Luke decided to play by swimming lying on the center isle floor. I squatted beside him to play but sat down thinking I would eat off this surface.
The vegetable isle was like a freak show of food. Everything was like cartoon perfect in even colour and not a single blemish. So where does all the normal food go which has bumps and irregularities. I'm not meaning bruises but just how the fruit and verges grow. Carrots don't grow with a perfect taper from a wood lath!
Its also COLD very COLD when not gathered around the Rayburn drinking tea eating freak vegetables. But I'm adjusting.


Luke in the Boeing 777 cockpit

the tripled packaged food which is perfect in every way like a cartoon. 

Outside Oxford University

Lukes new toy from his grand parents!

The kids enjoying Johns reading voice!

Me in shorts freezing in 5  Degree peak.